To obtain a
marriage license in Wake County, please contact:
Wake County Register of Deeds
Wake County Justice Center 300 S. Salisbury Street
Suite 1700
Raleigh, NC 27601
for a marriage license in Wake County:
A premarital physical is not required.
The license is good immediately upon issuance and is valid for 60 days.
The fee for the license is $60. Only cash is
Both bride and groom must be present when applying for the marriage
license and must present identification.
Applicants 21 years of age or above may use the following forms of
1. Driver's license (may not be expired)
2. State-issued I.D. Card (may not be expired)
3. Passport (may not be expired)
4. Military I.D. (may not be expired)
5. Certified copy of birth certificate
Applicants 20 years of age or younger must have
a certified copy of their birth certificate.
Applicants 16 or 17 years of age must have
written parental consent and certified copies of their birth
certificate in order to acquire a license. Parental consent form is
available in the Register of Deeds office.
Applicants 14 and 15 years of age must present
certified court order authorizing marriage from District Court Judge.
Both bride and groom must provide their Social
Security numbers and verification of the number. Applicants may present
a Social Security card, W-2 form, or pay stub with the number as
Divorced applicants must provide the month and year of their last
divorce. If the divorce was finalized within 30 days of applying for
the license, the applicant must provide an original or certified copy
of the divorce decree as well. There is no waiting period between the
divorce and applying for the new license.
Marriage licenses are issued between the hours
of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Couples applying between 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. should expect up to an
hour's wait.
Marriages may be performed by an ordained
minister of any religious denomination, a minister authorized by a
church, a magistrate, or a federally or State recognized Indian nation
or Tribe. Two witnesses are required.
If you plan to change your last name, you should
obtain a certified copy of your marriage license for a name change on
your driver's license and your Social Security card. You may acquire a
certified copy by visiting the Wake County Register of Deeds or
requesting it by mail at P. O. Box 1897, Raleigh, NC 27602. Certified
copies of your marriage license are $10 each. Present the certified
copy to both the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Social Security
Administration. The Social Security Administration is located at 4405
Bland Road, off of Wake Forest Road in Raleigh. The phone number is
Copies are available at least ten days after the wedding ceremony. To
process the request, the Wake County Register of Deeds needs the name
of bride and groom and the date of the marriage. A certified copy of a
marriage license is $10 while an uncertified copy is 15 cents.

To obtain a
marriage license in Durham County, please contact:
Durham County Register of Deeds
200 E. Main Street
Ground Floor, Old Courthouse
Durham, NC 27701
for a marriage license in Durham County:
The fee for the license is $60.00. Only cash is accepted.
All applicants must provide one of the following ID's.
1. Drivers license
2. State issued ID card
3. Passport
4. Military ID
All applicants must provide proof of social security number. If an
individual has not been assigned a social security number, an affidavit
must be completed.
Divorced applicants must provide the month & year of their last
If the divorce was finalized within thirty (30) days of applying for
the license, the applicant must provide an original or certified copy
of the divorce decree as well.
There is no waiting period between the divorce and applying for the new
Applicants 18-21 years of age must provide a certified birth
Applicants under the age of 18, please contact the office of the
Register of Deeds, Marriage License Division at (919) 560-0493 for
Marriage Licenses are issued between the hours of 8:30 a.m., and prior
to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
If you need a copy of your marriage license, you may acquire them at
the office of the Register of Deeds in person, or you may request them
by mail at P. O. Box. 1107, Durham, NC 27702. Certified copies of your
marriage license are $10.00 each.